What Does Saturn Savor? ~ 6 Nov 2013

Often when I think of Saturn, the childhood game Simon Sez comes to mind. When dealing with Saturn, the occupant of a horoscope hears from Saturn, “You make take one baby step forward.”

“Saturn, may I,” asks the impatient-for- progress native.

“No,” Saturn retorts. “What the hell were you thinking, anyway? You must take three giant steps backward.”

So today and easily since the eclipse, and definitely through the remainder of the week, the Sun and Saturn are aligned. Today, it’s exact.

Add Mercury retrograde, the recent Uranus-Pluto square and yadda-yadda, the same old Saturn denial reputation seems destined to gain “likes.”

But there’s the propitiate Saturn thing. Do what Saturn - or any planet - admires, appreciates and savors and gains can be made. Right?

So what does Saturn savor?

Those who stand dedicated to their purpose in life.

Those who apply excellence in every single thing that they do. No slacking. No corner cutting. Quality or nothing.

Those who smile in the face of adversity.

Those who do not take a “no” on the path of life as an insult and personal rebuff.

Those who are timely. No dilatory actions. No tarrying and no rushing either. Be quick, but don’t hurry.

Those who savor quality control.

Those appreciate integrity and those who function with honesty, clarity and truth to purpose.

Black animals. Not the sacrifice of, but the caring for and loving up on it while making life plans.

Those who apply intention in everything.

Those who appreciate humor and well-intended mirth.

Now, Saturn rules time. Time as a mortal concept on Earth does not align philosophically with Saturn’s opinion of time... or so those waiting for good things to happen like to report.

But efforts made, intentions uttered, propitiation rendered, and hard work applied during the Sun-Saturn conjunction will pay off. It will. Maybe not per a Jupiterian or Neptunian expectation, but in a Saturnine “you sowed this, now you reap this” kind of way.

When? Well, let’s look down the road just a piece and consider a likely triggering candidate. Venus.

Venus very recently entered Capricorn. The goddess who rules money now works her way through the financially conservative and fiscally astute sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. In a week and a half, Venus moves to 9 Capricorn and will align with Pluto while squaring Uranus. Seems that if you’re in favor with Pluto, as you no doubt are with Saturn at this time, dividends may be reaped, and according to Uranus, from places you did not consider.

Pluto is an interesting critter. While he hoards, obsesses over his possessions, and frets about who is doing what that may impact his wealth or desires, the lord of the underworld often displays phenomenal generosity toward those for whom he has grown fond.

Will this time (November 15 - 16) offer rewards? Yes, to those who were able to sanction Saturn’s favor through impeccable effort. And Yes, for those whose generosity, forgiving spirit, and bearing the intention of “all situations resulting in betterment for all” attitude, who surely gained the favor of Pluto.

Funny how it goes. Sometimes people hold visions of how things are supposed to go for an ideal life. But what if “internal issues” skew one’s perception of ideal? That’s the beauty of Uranus, who brings opportunities off the centerline of expectation. “Huh? I wouldn’t have thought of that, but that’s really good. Saturn, may I take one baby step forward on this new course?”

“No you may not,” Saturn scolds. “You may take one giant step forward.”

So, start now.

Intend well.

Plan thoroughly.

Work your butt off.

Rest and enjoy good humor.

Eat well.

Be part of solutions.

Think wins for all.

Enjoy the transit pattern.

More soon.